# WAM Cycle 6 WAM is a third-generation wave model that describes the evolution of the wave spectrum by solving the wave energy transfer equation. WAM predicts wave direction spectra and properties and can be linked to a number of other models. A repository of the source code with modifications for Taltech HPC, can be found [here](https://gitlab.cs.ttu.ee/heiko.herrmann/wam-cycle_6-TalTech-HPC). How to cite
The WAM Model—A Third Generation Ocean Wave Prediction Model DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0485(1988)018<1775:TWMTGO>2.0.CO;2](https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/phoc/18/12/1520-0485_1988_018_1775_twmtgo_2_0_co_2.xml)

## Quickstart --- ### Short jobs & one core jobs 1. To run your first calculations, start a session on a node: srun -t 2:0:0 --pty bash 2. Enter the following commands to set up environment and working directory: module load green/all module load WAM export WORK=$HOME/newwamtest mkdir --parent ${WORK}/tempsg cd ${WORK}/tempsg cp ${WAMDIR}/const/TOPOCAT.DAT . cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Preproc_User . preproc cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/WAM_User . cp ${WAMDIR}/const/WIND_INPUT.DAT . 3. Run WAM mpirun wam cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Grid_User . pgrid cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Time_User . ptime cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Spectra_User . pspec cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Time_User_S . ptime_S cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/nlnetcdf NETCDF_User mpirun pnetcdf 4. Adapt the WORKDIR, LOGDIR and output directories to your needs! 5. If calculations are going normally, you should have the following files in your `$WORK` directory: BLS19780907060000 Grid_Prot OUT19780907060000 Time_Prot_S BLS19780908060000 Grid_User OUT19780908060000 Time_User C0119780906060000 Grid_info_COARSE_GRID Preproc_Prot Time_User_S C0119780907060000 MAP19780906060000 Preproc_User WAM_Prot C0119780908060000 MAP19780907060000 Spectra_Prot WAM_User C0219780906060000 MAP19780908060000 Spectra_User WAVE1978090606.nc C0219780907060000 NETCDF_User TOPOCAT.DAT WIND_INPUT.DAT C0219780908060000 OUT19780906060000 Time_Prot pnetcdf_prot 6. To visualise results you can open the `WAVE*.nc` file for example in Octave or Matlab. pkg load netcdf netcdf_open('WAVE1978090606.nc') ncdisp('WAVE1978090606.nc') hmax = ncread("WAVE1978090606.nc",'hmax_st') %plot field at timestep 12 pcolor(hmax(:,:,12)) hs_swell = ncread("WAVE1978090606.nc",'hs_swell') %plot timeseries at position 20 20 plot(hs_swell(20,20,:)) ### Long & parallel jobs Longer running and parallel jobs are better submitted as batch jobs using an sbatch script [wam.slurm](wam.slurm):
Click to expand #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name=WAM-testrun #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1GB #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=2 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH -t 0-01:0:00 #SBATCH --partition=green-ib #SBATCH --no-requeue module load green module load WAM export WORK=$HOME/newwamtest mkdir --parent ${WORK}/tempsg mkdir --parent ${WORK}/work cd ${WORK}/tempsg cp ${WAMDIR}/const/TOPOCAT.DAT . cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Preproc_User . preproc cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/WAM_User . cp ${WAMDIR}/const/WIND_INPUT.DAT . mpirun wam cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Grid_User . pgrid cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Time_User . ptime cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Spectra_User . pspec cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Time_User_S . ptime_S cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/nlnetcdf NETCDF_User mpirun pnetcdf

## WAM long version --- ### Starting calculations If job is small it can be run as an interactive session: srun -t 2:0:0 --pty bash If calculation is long or needs several cores, it is better to gather all needed commands in one [wam.slurm](wam.slurm) batch script and submit it by command: sbatch wam.slurm ### Preparation 1. Firstly, user needs to load proper environment by commands: module load green module load WAM 2. After it is needed to determine working directory and go into it export WORK=$HOME/newwamtest mkdir --parent ${WORK}/tempsg cd ${WORK}/tempsg 3. Copy into working directory all needed data, for example: cp ${WAMDIR}/const/TOPOCAT.DAT . cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Preproc_User . preproc cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/WAM_User . cp ${WAMDIR}/const/WIND_INPUT.DAT . ### Running WAM WAM calculations can be started by command `WAM`. mpirun wam To run calculations normally, such parameters as grid (`pgrid`), time (`ptime`), spectra (`pspec`) time step (`ptime_S`) and (`pnetcdf`) should be defined or copy from example: cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Grid_User . pgrid cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Time_User . ptime cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Spectra_User . pspec cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/Time_User_S . ptime_S cp ${WAMDIR}/const/Coarse_Grid/ARD/nlnetcdf NETCDF_User mpirun pnetcdf If calculations are going normally, you should have the following files in your `$WORK` directory: BLS19780907060000 Grid_Prot OUT19780907060000 Time_Prot_S BLS19780908060000 Grid_User OUT19780908060000 Time_User C0119780906060000 Grid_info_COARSE_GRID Preproc_Prot Time_User_S C0119780907060000 MAP19780906060000 Preproc_User WAM_Prot C0119780908060000 MAP19780907060000 Spectra_Prot WAM_User C0219780906060000 MAP19780908060000 Spectra_User WAVE1978090606.nc C0219780907060000 NETCDF_User TOPOCAT.DAT WIND_INPUT.DAT C0219780908060000 OUT19780906060000 Time_Prot pnetcdf_prot ### Visualisation To visualise results you can open the `WAVE*.nc` file for example in Octave or Matlab pkg load netcdf netcdf_open('WAVE1978090606.nc') ncdisp('WAVE1978090606.nc') hmax = ncread("WAVE1978090606.nc",'hmax_st') %plot field at timestep 12 pcolor(hmax(:,:,12)) hs_swell = ncread("WAVE1978090606.nc",'hs_swell') %plot timeseries at position 20 20 plot(hs_swell(20,20,:))