# TURBOMOLE ** This manual is work in progress, please check regularly for updates ** ***Important note:*** To run TURBOMOLE, user must be a member of the TURBOMOLE user group or have purchased TURBOMOLE licenses.

## TURBOMOLE short introduction --- 1. Set up environment and generate TURBOMOLE coordinate file: module load turbomole7.0 x2t inputfile.xyz > start-coord 2. Run ***define*** to create the input files needed. 3. Download [TURBOMOLE.slurm](TURBOMOLE.slurm) batch script: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --job-name=test #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1GB #SBATCH -t 1:00:00 #SBATCH --partition=common module load turbomole7.0 #Directory where you run the script CALCULATIONDIR=`pwd` #Create scratch directory SCRATCHDIRNAME=/state/partition1/$SLURM_JOBID mkdir $SCRATCHDIRNAME cp * $SCRATCHDIRNAME cd $SCRATCHDIRNAME #Run calculations jobex -ri > jobex.out 2>jobex.err # TURBOMOLE commands t2x -c > final.xyz #Clean after yourself mv $SCRATCHDIRNAME/* $CALCULATIONDIR rm -rf $SCRATCHDIRNAME 4. Submit the job: sbatch TURBOMOLE.slurm ***NB!*** _More cores does not mean faster!!! See Benchmarks._

## TURBOMOLE long version --- ### Environment There are currently several versions of TURBOMOLE (6.3 - 7.0) are available on HPC, and most of them can be run as parallel jobs. Environment is set up by the command: module load turbomole7.0 module load turbomole7.0-mpi # for parallel run ### Running TURBOMOLE jobs TURBOMOLE uses its own coordinate file `coord`, which can be generated from .xyz file by TURBOMOLE command (when some TURBOMOLE version is already loaded): x2t inputfile.xyz > start-coord Example of TURBOMOLE coordinate file: $coord 1.27839972889714 0.80710203135546 0.00041573974923 c 1.42630859331810 2.88253155131977 0.00372276048178 h 3.06528696563114 -0.57632867600746 -0.00069919866917 o -1.91446264796512 -0.31879679861781 0.00039684248791 s -2.98773260513752 1.98632893279876 -0.00701088395301 h $end In addition to coordinate file, TURBOMOLE uses a special interactive program `define` to create the input files, which determines molecules' parameters, levels of theory used and calculation types. define The answers to the `define`'s questions can be presented as a separate file. More about `define` can be read in [‘Quick and Dirty’ Tutorial](http://www.cosmologic-services.de/downloads/TM72-documentation/DOKse8.html) and [TURBOMOLE tutorial](Turbomole_Tutorial_7-0.pdf). Some examples of define files can be found [here](define.md). To include solvent effects into calculations interactive program `cosmoprep` should be run after `define`. cosmoprep TURBOMOLE includes the Conductor-like Screening Model (COSMO), where the solvent is described as dielectric continuum with permittivity ε. An example of [cosmoprep](cosmoprep.sh) file with acetonitrile as a solvent. After input files are created TURBOMOLE calculations are executed by one of the following commands: `dscf`, `ridft`, `jobex`, `aoforce`, `NumForce`, `escf`, `egrad`, `mpshift`, `raman`, `ricc2` etc. For example, dscf # for Hartree-Fock energy calculation (single point calculation) jobex -ri # geometry optimization using RI-approximation aoforce # analytical force constant calculations NumForce -ri # numerical force constant calculations using RI-approximation More about TURBOMOLE commands used can be found in [TURBOMOLE tutorial](Turbomole_Tutorial_7-0.pdf). ### _Single core calculations_ Example of Slurm script for single point HF calculation performed on a single core: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --job-name=test #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1GB #SBATCH -t 1:00:00 #SBATCH --partition=common module load turbomole7.0 #Directory where you run the script CALCULATIONDIR=`pwd` #Create scratch directory SCRATCHDIRNAME=/state/partition1/$SLURM_JOBID mkdir $SCRATCHDIRNAME cp * $SCRATCHDIRNAME cd $SCRATCHDIRNAME #Run calculations dscf > JOB.out 2>JOB.err #Clean after yourself mv $SCRATCHDIRNAME/* $CALCULATIONDIR rm -rf $SCRATCHDIRNAME ### _Parallel jobs SMP_ Example of Slurm script for geometry optimization using RI-approximation performed by SMP run: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=24 #SBATCH --job-name=test #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1GB #SBATCH -t 1:00:00 #SBATCH --partition=common module load turbomole7.0-mpi #Directory where you run the script CALCULATIONDIR=`pwd` #Create scratch directory SCRATCHE=/state/partition1/$SLURM_JOBID mkdir $SCRATCH cp * $SCRATCH cd $SCRATCH export PARA_ARCH=SMP export PATH=$TURBODIR/bin/`sysname`:$PATH export PARNODES=$SLURM_NTASKS export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK #Run calculations jobex -ri -c 600 > jobex.out 2>jobex.err t2x -c > final.xyz #Clean after yourself mv $SCRATCH/* $CALCULATIONDIR rm -rf $SCRATC ### Memory For common calculations (e.g. optimization, frequency etc.) it is enough 1 GB per 1 CPU. However, some calculations can require more memory (e.g TD-DFT, large SCF calculations, etc.). Data from a `slurm-JOBID.stat` file can be useful to determine the amount of memory required for a computation. In `slurm-JOBID.stat` file the efficiency of memory utilization is shown. Bad example: Memory Utilized: 3.08 GB Memory Efficiency: 11.83% of 26.00 GB Good example: Memory Utilized: 63.12 GB Memory Efficiency: 98.62% of 64.00 GB ### Time Time limits depend on time partition used [taltech user-guides](https://hpc.pages.taltech.ee/user-guides/hardware). If the calculation time exceeds the time limit requested in the Slurm script, then the job will be killed. Therefore, it is recommended to request a little more than is usually needed for calculation. ### _Restarting a failed/interrupted calculation_ All TURBOMOLE jobs are restart jobs as default. #### Benchmarks for parallel jobs