## What is LUMI? ---
LUMI is the fastest supercomputer in Europe. It's an HPE Cray EX supercomputer consisting of several hardware partitions targeted different use cases: - 2560 GPU-based nodes ([**LUMI-G**](https://docs.lumi-supercomputer.eu/hardware/lumig/)), each node with one 64 core AMD Trento CPU and four AMD MI250X GPUs. - 1536 dual-socket CPU nodes [**LUMI-C**](https://docs.lumi-supercomputer.eu/hardware/lumic/) with 64-core 3rd-generation AMD EPYC™ CPUs, and between 256 GB and 1024 GB of memory. - large memory GPU nodes [**LUMI-D**](https://docs.lumi-supercomputer.eu/hardware/lumid/), with a total of 32 TB of memory in the partition for data analytics and visualisation. - Main storage - [**LUMI-P**](https://docs.lumi-supercomputer.eu/storage/parallel-filesystems/lumip/) has 4 independent Lustre file systems with 20 PB and an aggregate bandwidth of 240 GB/s each. Each Lustre file system is composed of 1 MDS (metadata server) and 32 Object Storage Targets (OSTs). - Flash storage - [**LUMI-F**](https://docs.lumi-supercomputer.eu/hardware/lumif/) has Lustre file system with a storage capacity of 8 PB and an aggregate bandwidth of 1 740 GB/s. - Object store - [**LUMI-O**](https://docs.lumi-supercomputer.eu/storage/lumio/) provides 30 PB storage.

More about LUMI system architecture can be found in [overview](https://docs.lumi-supercomputer.eu/hardware/) and [LUMI’s full system architecture](https://www.lumi-supercomputer.eu/lumis-full-system-architecture-revealed/). LUMI uses Slurm as job scheduler and resource manager. Slurm partitions can be allocated by node or by resources. More about partitions can be found [here](https://docs.lumi-supercomputer.eu/runjobs/scheduled-jobs/partitions/).

## Why LUMI? ---
There are several reasons to choose LUMI instead of HPC: - if job is run using GPUs - if job needs large memory - if queue on HPC is too long

## Getting started --- ### - [How to get access to LUMI](lumi/start.md) ### - [Software](lumi/software.md) ### - [Examples of jobs and slurm scripts](lumi/examples.md) ### - [Billing](https://hpc.pages.taltech.ee/user-guides/index.html#billing)